Discoveries on the road
Meeting the Czech spirit during my trips
Even tough being a European volunteer means a lot of duties and responsibility, it is also important to find other ways to improve your personality and gather new experiences or inspirations. That is …
’A teďka budeme zpívat!’
My personal connection to music in Don Bosco
Playing the guitar has alwasy been a very important part of my life, since I started it at my age of sixteen. The fact that I began it quite late and reached everything almost completely on my own mad…
Ostrava, the city of Christmas
Wonders and fairy tales during the Czech Advent
Christmas is coming in a week, so if there is a thought that can be found within many of us, it is definitely that one. To be honest, during the last few years the holidays did not bring many new expe…
'Prosím tě, mluvíš český?'
Cultural explorations and dealing with Czech
Sometimes I think about the fact that how many coincidences were needed to arrive here in Czech Republic and start to build a new life exactly in this country. Actually, when I was choosing my target …
Surprises in the wilderness
Memories and impressions from the training
Beginning a new life is always something which is a kind of mixture of concerns and expectations, but the reality is very different, since there are a lot of variable aspects. Of course, the most impo…
Floating dreams
Summary of my first period in Ostrava
My original plan was to create a post about my journeys, but this time I feel that I have to change the plan and improvise, as we do it many times in our lives. In fact, coming here to Czech Republic …
Felfedezni a horvát Adriát
A Kvarner-öböl és kincsei
Az utóbbi évtizedekben a Balaton mellett a magyar turisták egyik kedvelt célpontjává vált a horvát tengerpart. A lélegzetelállító tájak és történelmi látnivalók mellett az egyik döntő érv az adriai ny…
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