Constanța, princess of the Black Sea
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.4.
After discovering the extraordinary capital of Romania, let's move forward to an utterly different world. I have always wanted to go to the Black Sea, and when it turned out that it lies only two hour…
Herăstrău Park, folklore and the old town of Bucharest
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.3.
As I was writing before, there is also a park close to the Triumphal Arch, which is called Mihail Park after King Michael of Romania. He was the last king of the country who was forced by the communis…
Architectural diversity in the streets of Bucharest
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.2.
Let’s leave the treasures of Orthodox churches and theology for a while, because I would like to guide you a bit to see the modern architecture of Bucharest. The features are indeed similar to Vie…
The origins of Bucharest and Romanian Orthodoxy
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.1.
There are a couple of things by foreigners that can be annoying for Hungarians. One of them is surely when people get confused with Budapest and Bucharest, just because they sound similar and ‘they ar…
The enchanting castle and fairy tales of Bojnice
Time travel through the castles of Western-Slovakia vol.4.
Let’s change the topic a little bit: now we are going the go ahead with another castle, the one of Bojnice (in Hungarian: Bajmóc) which is also located in the Trenčín region and I visited it during an…
Horror castles in Čachtice and Beckov
Time travel through the castles of Western-Slovakia vol.3.
After visiting so many peaceful and friendly castles, now I would like to show you one which is a bit more eerie. When I was putting Csejte (in Slovak: Čachtice) on the wish list, my only reason was t…
Castles in the woods: photo gallery
Time travel through the castles of Western-Slovakia, bonus chapter 2.
During our castle trip in Western-Slovakia, I had the chance to see dozens of castles - some of them in their entire shine like in the case of Trencsén, but sometimes only the ruins surrounded by the …
Romantic ruins along in the empire of Váh
Time travel through the castles of Western-Slovakia vol.2.
Hrad Súľov was not the one and only castle of the region built literally on mountain rocks: I had an old dream come true by visiting Oroszlánkő vára (Vršatecký hrad) in person. Maybe it was not the mo…
The White Carpathians through my camera lens
Time travel through the castles of Western-Slovakia, bonus chapter 1.
Last time I described you the beauties of the castle of Trencsén and the ruins of Szulyóvár, which lie among the amazing pine forests of the White Carpathians. Although I gave you a brief coverage on …
Under the walls of Trenčín and Hrad Súľov
Time travel through the castles of Western-Slovakia vol.1.
In spite of the fact that I am from a Hungarian village next to the Hungarian-Slovak border, I started to discover the beauties of Slovakia (or as we refer to it, 'Upperland') relatively late. The str…
Underground chambers of the Wieliczka Salt Mine 
The classic trip to Lesser Poland vol.3.
There are many sights in the neighborhood of Kraków like the abbey of Tyniec or Oświęcim (Auschwitz), but since I come from a miner family, it was not a question that we would choose the Wieliczka Sal…
A brief return to Kraków
The classic trip to Lesser Poland vol.2.
After visiting Zakopane, now I would like to move to a completely different part of Lesser Poland (Małopolska), which is very famous and well-known to Hungarian tourists too.  Although we were stay…
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