Proszę bardzo: smacznego!
An introduction to Polish gastronomy
Since I started living abroad, I obviously had to become more independent, which includes a wide range of duties within everyday life. Some of them are still rather inconvenient musts for me. However,…
Lengyel, magyar két jó barát
Cultural bonds and shocks between two nations vol. 2.
The famous saying mentioned in the title exists in both languages, and even though it was created hundreds of years ago, from time to time it still appears in discussions on the relationship of these …
Polak, Węgier: dwa bratanki
Cultural bonds and shocks between two nations vol.1.
The famous saying mentioned in the title exists in both languages, and even though it was created hundreds of years ago, from time to time it still appears in discussions on the relationship of these …
Kiedy świętujemy razem
Customs and traditions of the winter holidays
After having spent more than four months in Poland as a Hungarian student, I had quite a lot of opportunities to start comparing the local culture to my original one. Unfortunately, the lockdown and t…
